The second edition of the EPUB Summit was held on the 9th and 10th of March 2017 in Brussels, the capital of Europe.
Press coverage
Lettres Numériques, 17 mars 2017, EPUB Summit : 5 pistes pour le marché du livre numérique (read)
Slides of the different presentations
Bill Kasdorf: keynote; EPUB is here to stay (read)
Ivan Herman: on Publishing@W3C (read)
Hadrien Gardeur, Laurent Le Meur: Readium, the perfect EPUB/PWP companion (read)
Alexandre Lemaire, Laurent Le Meur: Readium LCP adoption by public libraries (read)
Clément Laberge: Innover, c’est savoir ce qu’on veut (read)
Toby Green: EPUBs @ OECD (read)
Harolds Celms: Data Publishing as a communication tool with citizens (read)
Magnus Rudolfsen: Can you hear audiobooks exploding? (read)
Paul Belfanti: Is EDUPUB for real? (read)
Luc Audrain: Une édition nativement accessible, engagement des éditeurs en France (read)
Liisa McCloy-Kelley: Why the IDPF/W3C Combination Makes Sense (read)
Videos of the different sessions
You’ll find them here. There are also linked from the English program page.